Flights from Lucerne, Basel, Zurich

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This course is aimed at private and professional pilots and enables the licence holder to perform landings above 1'100 m.a.s.l., on the official mountain landing sites (a total of 41 in Switzerland) up to the high mountains. At the end of the training, the candidate must have at least 100 hours of flight experience.

Theoretical mountain training

No theoretical training course is required for the extension for landings in the mountains. Topics relevant to mountain flying will be taught to you by the mountain flight instructor FI MOU(H).

Practical mountain training

The practical training includes at least 200 landings in the mountains. The training is completed with an examination flight and entitles you to perform private or commercial landings in the mountains. The training can partly be combined with a type rating (type retraining).

The flight exam for the type retraining and the mountain training are completed separately in any case.